Welcome to the Sibling Survivors Site!

The Sibling Survivors of Suicide Loss site aims to provide a safe place for anyone who has lost a sister or brother to suicide. It’s a place to share memories, discuss your feelings and experiences, and to share photos. It’s a place to connect with others who also miss their sister or brother.

The site was created in 2001 by Michelle Linn Gust. She passed the site on to the POS-FFOS Internet Community in November of 2014. It officially re-opened on January 4, 2015.

We invite you to explore the site and participate. We need you; help us make this site a safe and supportive place for other sibling survivors. You can participate by Creating a  Guest Post, sharing an Inspirational Thought or Message, or Writing a Letter to your Sibling. Please see those pages for more information.

Sibling Survivors is maintained by volunteers from the Parents of Suicides (POS) and Friends and Families of Suicides (FFOS) Internet Community and others. Learn more about these groups on the About Us page.

16 thoughts on “Welcome to the Sibling Survivors Site!

    1. My brother was private about his troubles not wanting to worry anyone. But I knew he was depressed and didn’t succeed at helping. I was powerless and unprepared to save him and now wish I could just lay down and join him.

      1. Hi Kelly,
        My brother also was very private about any trouble he was having or thinking. Nobody knew how much he was actually suffering. He was the happy, funny guy who always had to make everyone laugh. My family had always been worried about me and my suicidal ideation. Not my brother! I miss him so much. He was a really great big brother.

        1. I feel very similar to you. My brother was hilarious at all times! He hid his despair. Family was worried about me and my depression. His wife never reached out and said “it’s gotten bad” Was she hiding his pain out of shame? Did she really believe he was actually “ok”??

  1. It will get better. There is no way you could have changed what happened. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t blame anyone. You will learn how to cope.

    1. The anniversary of my brother’s suicide is approaching and I’m starting to feel so sad and anxious. August 24, 2005 my brother took his life 6 weeks after our Mother’s death. Sometimes unbelievable.

  2. Hello, my brother rides in 2008 from suicide. I have had such a hard time. I drink to much now and try and make it through the pain. It is still so hard. I hate it.

  3. I lost my brother in 2018 month or may he was my best friend we were 18 months apart I remember getting a text asking if he ok so I called my step mom and she said he gone so I called my dad and he told me how it happen I threw my phone I blamed god I punched my husband I don’t even wanna do christmas this year if it wasn’t for my kids I wouldn’t at all I just need someone to talk to

  4. I miss my best friend. My little brother. This week is especially hard. Everything reminds me of him. I just want to have a conversation with him. Its been a year and half. I just have anyone that relates and gets excited about things you and i do. There are so many things to be excited about and i want to share them. I love him and im proud.

  5. Thank you so much for creating this site. We lost my brother last week and having this site will be a source of community and support.. thank you so much ❤️

  6. I lost my 16 year old brother back In July 16th of 2021 to depression and abuse. My siblings and I were seperated for 10 years and then I find out that he had killed himself. My baby brother couldnt stand the pain that my step father (his dad) had done to him. I will forever have scars from my step fathers abuse. Me and my sister will push through I hope. I pray that we will grow a relationship after 10 years of being lost.

  7. My sister, 21 months older than me is gone. She decided to leave us two days before Christmas. I’m so angry at her and myself. I don’t understand how she could leave us especially her son who is graduating from HS this year. She was such a bright spirit on the outside and brought smiles to many people. I miss her so much!

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