Thinking of You Brother

I woke up thinking of you today. With the help of my surviving siblings, I put together a collage of photo’s from your life and gave one to each member of our family. Mom really loved hers. It made her cry, but I know she loved it. The pictures I used were from different times in your life. The first picture ever taken of you in 1964. The last picture taken of you in 2024 at our brother’s poker game a few days before you passed. Mine is on the wall near my son’s memorial, and close to my recliner chair so I can see you both and talk to you. I’m looking at you as I write this.

Mom had a stroke a little while back. She survived and is now in a nursing home. Your sister-in-law and I will be moving back to my hometown next year to be closer to family and to spend as much time with mom before she passes.

Life is a pain at times. Yet, when I am outside walking the dog and the wind blows, I know you are there. When I am reeling in a Catfish at the lake, I believe you are there sitting beside me.

One of our older brothers had you cremated. He gave all of us a small Urn with your ashes.

One of your uncles has Cancer. The prognosis isn’t good.

All of us are now in our 60’s, and you would have been the last one to join that group this December. I became the youngest sibling when you passed.

The leaves are starting to fall from the trees. One of our childhood friends who lives further up north texted me the other day to let me know he is getting sick. If he or mom get there before I do, take care of them. Take care of our little sister. Take care of my son. Take care of yourself. Until we meet again.

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