To my best friend and also my brother…

To my best friend and also my brother…Keegan. It’s almost been four months now and I’ve been told that as time passes it gets easier. Well I’m not sure who came up with that statement but it’s a lie. The girls and I miss you so much. I’ve been being so strong for them because I know that’s what you would want/expect from me. I feel like I let you down as a sister by moving out last year. I know you were mad at me but I was obviously too selfish to care. I cry everyday in hopes that I can see you one last time. You were only 16, about to get your license, you had so much going for you dude. You were amazing at guitar, I watch videos of you playing frequently and find myself bawling. I’m sorry for the times I would knock on your door and tell you to turn your amp down when I lived at home. I would do anything in this world to hear that again. I worry about you a lot, I worry about if you’re safe up there, if you have friends, are you really watching over me? Oh and I hope you met Granny at the gates of heaven. And btw Uncle Chuck has cancer again and they said its spread too much and he’s on a liquid only diet. Things are terrible here. I just miss you so much and I wish you were here to help me get through all this. I need you and I love you.


to my only older brother

cory. its been only two months since it happened. you had just turned 22 a few weeks prior, i had just graduated high school the week before, came home from the beach the day of. i want to say that it hasn’t hit me yet that you’re gone, but the logical side of my brain wont let me fake it. now being a college freshman, there are a few things that i’d like to say to you, since i am not available to visit you.


first. i’m sorry. i’m sorry you had to suffer, whether it was by yourself, or however much you shared to your friends. i’m sorry i couldn’t be as supportive as i should have been. you really had me worried when you sent out that text to everyone in your contacts, i should have taken it as a sign that something was up. but i didn’t. i left you fool everyone you were okay, and that it was nothing. i left you fool me, and i should have been the one to call you out on it. i knew you better than anyone in our family. there’s still things that i keep secret. i promised, remember?


i’m also sorry you couldn’t confide in me when grandpa passed away almost a year earlier. i was hurting too you know? we were all close to him; you especially being the first grandchild and grandson. i understand completely.


second. i wish you could have seen me off to college. tomorrow is my first day of classes as a college freshman. i would have hoped you could have been here to help move me in, see me off. become successful. well, i guess you can now. you’re just not physically here with me.


its weird. the family reunion had just passed and all i could think about was how out of place i was, no matter who was there to make me laugh, it still wasn’t the same without you or grandpa being there. it was so quiet. same happened with father’s day. i feel so lost without you. we stuck together through everything; mom and dad’s divorce. going every other weekend. mom’s boyfriends and constant moves. any trouble you had gotten yourself into. i was there every step of the way, supporting your decisions no matter what mom thought. i’m sorry i couldn’t have been there with you for this final step.


speaking of, i’m sure you know already though but, mom hasn’t been the same since you’ve been gone. she’s more depressed than i have ever seen her. day by day she’s getting a little better, but it’s still a very sensitive topic to discuss. Ry is doin fine, for the most part. she missed you too, probably more than she lets on, but that’s ryleigh for you, our baby sis haha.


i met our uncle tim by the way. he’s a really rad dude, kinda strange but. i wish you could have been here for that too.


oh, and i got a grateful dead sticker for you the last time i went down to the beach. it’s pretty awesome, you’d be so proud of me. i also showed grandma them, she doesn’t know what to think haha.


well. i have early classes to get up for. i just want you to know that i love you, i never stopped supporting you, i won’t now either. i miss you so much you wouldn’t believe it. Jasper and Daisy do too. they wonder where you’re at, you never come to visit anymore. little fat cat haha.


don’t be a stranger to my dreams, okay?


-You’re little sister, Beanie



I had no idea you were hurting so bad. We all knew you weren’t well but none of us had a clue the pain was so deep. Now I sit back and think of all of your hints and I want to punch myself for overlooking them. I’m in total shock and I feel like I should have been able to see you better than I could. I love you. I hope it doesn’t hurt anymore. I want to be angry at you for not telling us but it must have been so hard to hurt that badly. I’m only angry at myself, for not putting more effort into our relationship. You wanted the family to stay close and we all let you slip through our fingers. I am so very sorry we let you down. Be at peace. I’ll miss you every day.


To Bubby 8/18/2015


I miss you so damn much. When we were growing up, I was sad when we were apart for more than a dew days-even if we had been a vicious fight the day before. I was sad when you lived with dad in college. Now, that you’re really never coming back, it hurts, SO much. I can’t describe it, and I don’t know what I’m suppose to do. I need you to listen to my venting. I need to annoy you. I need you to get me out of my ruts. I need you to brag about how you saw that new movie or heard the new beck album before I did. I haven’t been able to do any of these things for the 3 years you’ve been gone, and I never will. I feel so void of some piece of me that will never be filled-ever.

There’s absolutely nothing in this world you could ever have done to make me love you any less. That’s something mom and dad always use to say. I probably knew that when you were alive, but I know it all too well now. Even the worst thing I could possibly think of someone doing that might make me hate anyone else for, I’d still love you even more. I wish I could give you a big hug, and say, “it’s okay, we’ll work through it, because you’re my brother and I love you”.

I am grateful though, you’re no longer in the tremendous amount of pain you were in when you took your life. I just feel so helpless that I couldn’t be with you. I feel like I failed you bail you out of it, after you bailed me out of so many things. I feel like I failed because I let you be alone when you were at your absolute loneliest. I feel like a failure because i couldn’t ease your pain or provide you any comfort. BUT YOU WOULDNT LET ME!! because you flew 500 miles away so no one Would find you Because you didn’t want to be found. And I’m afraid that I think I may feel like you may have felt in your last moments here.

But I have to forgive you and I do. Because I know you were very sick when you did what you did. I know you weren’t in your right mind. I know that with the sickness you had In your wonderful mind and beautiful heart, although I may hate it’s symptoms, it was the sickness that took you, not you. I know that because of that sickness, you were not physically, mentally, or emotionally capable of reaching out for help in a way that would have got anyone’s attention. And I know what that sickness is like because I’ve had it. And the only reason I’m still here is because some amazing people cornered me deep enough in my business before I had a chance to shut them out. So I forgive you. It’s okay. I love you unconditionally. And from now on, im making it a point to make everyone I come in contact with feel like they can trust me with anything, as best as I can. I won’t do it perfectly, but there’s people out there as sick as you were, and their loved ones don’t deserve to loose them especially if it can be avoided.

Thank you for being you. Thank you for teaching me how to always be true to myself. Thank you for teaching me not to sell out, no matter to who or what. Thank you for teaching me to always be searching, always be asking questions, and to never loose my curiosity, and when I see something I believe is wrong, unjust or dishonest, call it out!! Thank you for the richer life I have today just from you being in it for 28 years. I always have, do and always will love you with all my heart.

Love, Brian.


Hey Bubba…

Oh.. Wow. How long has it been? 3 1/2 years?! Oh geez.

Tyler, I miss you so much.. February 15, 2012, YOU LEFT ME.. You left me alone. You were my big brother. You were my hero. I wanted to be as cool and tall and happy as you. I was jealous at all the friends you had. I loved and LOVE you so much.

I will always remember these three days: January 31, my birthday, you came into my room, pinned me on my bed and tickled me wishing me a happy birthday. You drew a mask on my face writing silly words like dumb and ugly and stupid. I accidentally kicked you in your nuts and you ran out and punched a hole in the wall (which is still there). Mom called 20 seconds after you left and you freaked. You picked me up dragging me into the bathroom and scrubbed my face with a washrag trying to get the sharpie off. My face was bright red from all the scrubbing when it was finally off.

The next day I will always remember is February 14, Valentine’s Day! :'( I hate Valentine’s Day… You asked mom to drive us to Target so you could run in and get some “gum”. When you came out you had a pretty pink bag with a card and a CD by the Script. That was one of the very few birthday presents you got me. It meant so much to me that I cried. That night we had youth group and we played Valentine’s themed games. You asked out your crush later that night and she rejected you. You didn’t tell me but I could tell something was up on the way home from youth group. I didn’t ask because I knew you would eventually tell me. Guess I was wrong…

February 15 started out as a normal day. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, yadda yadda. But, I had to stay after school to finish a project for my StageCrafting class. I got a call at about 5 p.m. from Mom asking me where I was and why I wasn’t home. I explained to her that I was still at school and was almost done with my project. She sounded shaky and scared. I said OK, I’ll be home in 15. (I was in 8th grade, BTW and he was a Sophomore in High School). Completely oblivious to what was occurring at home, I skipped all the way home being happy-go-lucky and smiley because I finally finished that project. I turned the corner and saw red and blue flashing lights. The rest is a blur.

I’m an only child now… It sucks. I don’t have anyone to play catch with. I don’t have anyone I can rely on to always be there for me. Why did you have to leave me? Why did you have to take my best friend away? I will see you later in Heaven. <3 <3 <3

I miss you so much.



(Sorry for the narrative… Just needed to rant a little bit…)

Really Greg-O

Dear Greg,

I have anger at you for succeeding.

I have anger at you for not calling one more time.

I rejoice that you are no more being chased by your demons.

I’m sorry we couldn’t give you a real funeral, that we had to cremate you and take you away from your home so you can sit on a shelf and wait til Mom dies to be buried with her.

You quietly strangled yourself. I know you weren’t alone, God was with you, either giving you the strength to continue on in this plane, or to come to Him. You chose Him.

I was affected by Dad’s death profoundly, you know he was my everything. But I’ll tell you Greggy, your loss, the loss of a sibling, is more difficult then anything I ever imagined.

Everyone is doing what they think is right. Yesterday Mark told Mom that your death was a suicide, Mom being Mom, wants to sweep this under the carpet, and not “tell” anyone what “really happened.”

My dear brother, the remaining 11 siblings left behind are all grieving in our own ways. This website may be a good outlet for me.

I love you and will miss you greatly.

Keep me protected, and watch over me between the awesome Rock and Roll concerts in heaven.

Mary Beth


I am currently 20 years old but I lost my older sister, Heather, when I was 11 and she was 24. Up until this year my parents had convinced me that the death was murder. Everything added up and I’m sure my parents tried to convince themselves it was murder too. The autopsy came back inconclusive. Now that I’m older I’ve learned a lot more about whats happened to my sister. She suffered from depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. Everyone describes her to me as such a beautifully happy and vibrant person. I learned this year that she probably committed suicide. The concept is difficult to comprehend. I hardly remember my sister. I feel like I don’t know anything about her and it kills me. The older I get the more I yearn to learn about her. My parents are recently divorced and I cannot reach out to my mother or father in this situation. My other sister is estranged from my mother and also fought with Heather while we were growing up.

I just feel so lost and confused. I wish I could remember my sister but I understand her suffering was very great. I found this website and had a yearning to share.






three out five gone


I have lost three siblings in the span of four years. Our brother four years ago, our middle sister two years ago, and our oldest sister last month. I cannot wrap my head around this. We do have a history of depression and bipolar in the family. We also had a uncle on our dad’s side who committed suicide as well. I just don’t understand why. Can this be stopped. I am concerned for other family members and the next generation. I want to come through this healthy and possibly help others.They leave us so broken. I am so very angry at them for doing this. I am also sad for their families, my mom, and for me and the sibling that I have left. I am sick of walking this journey. I am constantly scared of getting more bad news. Loud noises scare me. The dark scares me. I don’t want to sleep, because the thoughts and visions take over.

I am so sorry for each of your losses. It saddens me to read the stories here, but I know that we are not alone. I was feeling so alone and crazy that this has happened in our family.

Prayers for all,



The Demons Won…


Dear Pooh,

Today is 2 weeks since you made the choice to leave us. You were only 28! You left me, Dad, Danny, Bobby, Michelle and your children, Mikey & Maddie. That doesn’t even include the rest of the family. We know you had an addiction problem and we tried for 10 years to help you fight the demons. We helped you get into rehab when you asked for the help. We were more than willing to help you again and again until you were able to be strong enough not to give in to the cravings, the urges, the demons.

I am so thankful for the 7 months you were clean between last year and this year. And then the demons beckoned and we lost you first to them and then to the darkness. I have so many good memories but for the past 2 weeks all I can see is your face when we found you. I have nightmares, I can’t eat and Dad moved back to NJ so now I’m here in Florida with no family. Michael is helping me as best he can but he doesn’t know the grief I’m feeling. Losing someone to suicide is so much different than losing someone to cancer or even a heart attack. There are so many unanswered questions and no funeral services. We will have a memorial service next month when I go home for the birth of your nieces new baby. This was supposed to be a happy event. You’ve taken that from me. Now I will be there for the baby but then I have to help our siblings and Father plan your service. What you did was selfish. I understand you were in pain and missing mom and felt as though you couldn’t live without her. Now you’re with her and we’re here trying to process all of this.

I’m reaching out for help because I can’t eat or sleep. I’m having nightmares that are jolting me from my sleep and I wake trembling and crying and my heart feeling like it’s broken and never going to work again. I’m so thankful for my friends but even they are unsure how to proceed with me. I need to find a way to process this so I can get back to living. I have to live my life and in doing so, I hope you’ll be there watching over us all. In time, we will meet again but I have too much to live for to allow your untimely death to ruin that for me. I have enough issues with the fibro, problems with my legs and everything else to allow your suicide to break me. I AM strong and I WILL survive, for both of us. I love you and will miss you every second of every day.




Dear Danny

Dear Danny, it’s only been 4 days since you took your own life. I’m so sad and im angry with you. You left me an only child. You left me to take care of mom by myself. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I’m sad because I didn’t know that you were hurting so bad. That you thought this was the only way out. No one knew, everyone is shocked. We don’t understand and we will never have an answer. I’m sorry you we hurting. I’m sorry I didn’t know. I wish you would have reached out to me, to someone, to anyone. If I had one more day with you I would ask how you were. I would ask if you were happy. I would tell you how much you meant to me and tell you how much I loved you. I would do something silly just to hear your chuckle. I would tell you how smart you were and how I always looked up to you. I would tell you that no matter what I would always be here for you. I’ll never be able to tell you any of it now because you chose to leave. It’s not how it was supposed to be. My head hurts from crying. My eyes won’t stop. My heart is breaking…..
