My rock has crumbled

My brother robbie and i had a hard time growing up. we were poor and our parents were separated. we were moved to florida from new hampshire when we were very small so my mother could start a new life. all though my mom tried her best rob and i always had very bad things happening to us. but no matter how bad it seemed we always had each other. we did everything together . my big brother was the world to me . we have older siblings and a younger brother from my moms 2nd husband but no one else had the same mom and dad so we were especially close.August 14 2016 i found my brother dead in his bathtub. he shot himself in the head with a cross bow. it was the worst day of my life so far. i miss him. everyone else is mad at him but i am not i am just void of happiness now. i have no one who will be my robbie now. we both have mental issues and take medicine and we are both under a lot of stress. four days before i found him i googled how to kill myself without hurting my kids and family. it should have been me not him. however i have 3 kids and i couldn’t do it. robbie has a son named joseph. he is only 1 1/2 years old and lives in a hospital for a rare disease called crouzons. my nephew is a wonderful baby but my brother had a lot on his plate. he has paranoid delusional schizophrenia and he heard voices and saw things. he always thought the government was after him and other people too. also he had a terrible accident about 10 years ago the left him in a lot of pain everyday. the day before he did it he took me to the movies and to the mall . we saw the new suicide squad movie it was great. we had fun we even sat in a chair for a mall massage . the massage hurt his legs really bad though. then i got my toes done and he was so happy . we were together and had fun. that was my last day with him. the next day i was going thru some issues myself and was going to his house because i needed him to talk to. he always had good advice for me and he is the one person in the world i am safe around. robbie would never hurt my feelings or put me down he was the best brother on the earth. he always helped me with my babies and they all were so close to him. now my 13 year old daughter is a total 12 year old son is very protective of me like he wants to take robbies place and my 7 year old girl didn’t talk for a while. now they are trying to get back to normal but i can see the difference in they’re faces. i cry about every 10 minutes and i keep seeing him like that. we had an open casket at my request so that i could try to remember him sleeping instead of the horrible way i found him but it isn’t working. i keep having nightmares. robbie was my rock.i am currently off of my medicine and i think i need therapy but i don’t think that therapy will work like maybe it will or it may make things worse. there are so many thoughts i have but that is just the jist of what’s going on in my head right this moment. i need someone to be my adult right now i am not capable of doing this alone.

I miss him so much

It’s not even been a month that my brother hanged himself. Still not able to believe that he is no more in this world. Not able to understand why I am still alive. I feel responsible for everything he had gone through. I feel like dying. I did not speak to him as I was angry at him for few months. Before talking to him he left. I need him back.


To Dean

Dean, I can’t be mad at you. You were my second half for 22 years. I would’ve done anything to have had my little brother for much much longer. But you couldn’t take it anymore. I’m just going to miss you so so much. I don’t doubt that you loved me, loved all of us. And I know that the happiness you had–even at the end–was real and true. I wish you would have opened up about your inner turmoil. That just wasn’t you though, was it?
I’m trapped in that bathroom with you though Dean. I can’t stop thinking about what was passing through your mind as you lit that grill, tapped the door, and put our pictures around you. Anytime I hear a household sound I wonder if you heard the same before you went to sleep. I hurt so badly Dean. To see dad fall to his knees. To know mom was so far away and to hear her on the phone. To see Kristy try to rush past the cops. Did you remember when we would try to splash the water out of the tub as kids when you layer down in it? Did you remember the times when we would ride on grandma’s knees as you wheeled the grill in past her chair? I can’t stop thinking about all of this. I’m trapped in there with you.
I know you didn’t want to hurt us. I know that you knew it would, but you still felt like this was what you needed to do. I’m trying to be happy that you’re at peace Dean. But I’m a terribly selfish brother. I want nothing more than for you to barge into my room and laugh again.
I love you Dean. I’ll always miss you.


To my Bestie

My bestie, this day is 38 years too early !!!
You always said you would only be ready to leave this world behind if you reached the age of 77, 1977 was your birth year, but this day came 38 years too early !!!
You always told me one day when we are old, how the two of us is going to live together, I always imagined those days on my mind, never expecting that you would take that change away from us.
But this day was 38 years too early!
You are not supposed to be with me in spirit, but we’re supposed to feel your hugs and kisses;
You’re not supposed to be in my dreams and thoughts for the rest of my life, but we are supposed to plan together our next travel trip that we so much loved to do;
Your children are not supposed to live rheir lives without their mother, but you’re supposed to share with them every big event;
We’re not supposed to a Christmas or birthday with your seat empty, but you’re supposed to share those important days with us;
and our parents were not supposed to bury their child.
Nettie , you were not only Lynette my loving sister for 38 years but truly my best friend, ‘my person’
But this day came 38 years too early and I will have to go through life without hearing your voice, laughing with you, gossiping with you and loving you!
This was the first time you decided to travel on your own, an unknown journey to an unknown destination. My heart will be broken forever, we were travel buddies, and now I have to travel alone, only taking our memories with me.
My dear sister, may your death not go unnoticed, no one’s life that you touched should ever be the same again, and no one should ever forget lesson we all learn from your death.
For this day, 38 years too early !!!


Remembering Sharon

It has been 2 months and one week, since my sister, Sharon killed herself. I am still in a state of shock that she is gone. The way she killed herself is also something that haunts me. She bought a gun and two days later, went to a church park, laid down and shot herself in the head.

She had struggled with bouts of depression her entire life, and the last two months before she died were very hard, She was severely depressed and had countless medical tests done to determine what was causing the physical pain. No diagnosis was ever provided. She had just started going to a psychiatrist and counselor before her death. She checked herself into a behavioral center and was released five days later. I also took her to an emergency room spending the day getting tests done. She was shuffled along in the mental health care system with no help for her severe depression or state of mind.

Some days are worse than others. I hope every day that I can find the strength to go on without her. I miss her so much. We were very close, but I had no idea that she would ever take her own life. I just want to hear her voice again. I want to remember her life, not her death. I hope someday I can.


My beautiful sister Kendralynn


Why?! I don’t understand how or why you would leave us like you did. My heart breaks daily, reliving that night over and over. There are so many sources of help you could have reached out to. So many resources that you knew existed! Instead you chose to leave. You left everyone! We all love you and tried so many times to get you the help you needed. We tried so many times, so many different ways! Didn’t you see that? Didn’t you care about the ones you were leaving behind? I don’t understand! I miss you so much! I try so hard to come to the fact that I will never see your face again, or give you a hug and tell you I love you. My memories drift to us growing up prior to all your struggles. When we were young and carefree, playing, laughing, being happy. I would do anything for just one more day with you. Please Ken look down on us and help us! We just don’t understand, the hurt is overwhelming. Please help us!

I love you with all my heart and sole! Forever your baby sister,



Still can’t talk about my brother

My brother Jimmy committed suicide 39 yrs ago this August 30. For years we would talk around it, if someone asked how he died, we’d say in an accident. He died in a time when you didn’t talk about suicides. Over the years I still don’t talk about him. He was my older brother and I love him very much. He was 27 when he died and he was my best friend, my mentor, the one I could always count on and then he was gone. He was a great guy with a big heart and the problem I still have is I can never talk about him and tell people all the great memories I have. I feel ashamed to the them how he took his life. I feel like I’m betraying him, telling his secret. I know that’s crazy but that’s how we were brought up. If anyone has tips on getting started on opening up, I appreciate it.


For my Corey

It’s kind of ironic that I am now writing you a letter 4 months after you left your last. You explained everything, yet left no options for response or retort.

You abandoned me when you promised me you would never leave me alone in this world. You were my best friend and you threw that all away because you wouldn’t see passed your own pain. My entire world has been shattered and it will never be whole again! I hate that I can’t tell you any of this and I’m left to ponder what kind of responses you would have and how you would make me laugh for being so hurt.
I can’t believe you thought this was something that we would all accept and move on from. I can’t. I’m trying to, but every quiet moment I see you laying in your truck. I see you running around our parents’ home, making your stupid preparations, and how you were so freaking careful to make sure that you didn’t leave any painful evidence behind. Which made the pain of walking into that house all that more palpable.
I wanted a justification to me about why I needed to have this void in my life, instead all you could do was write about how the world would be a better place without you. You were never evil. I’m tired of dwelling on you and the pain you were in, but I can’t seem to let it go. I don’t want to be angry with you because if I go there I’ll never forgive you.

You were my best friend, the person who knew me better than anyone. I cherished our relationship. I finally had a big brother and you left me alone. You couldn’t be honest with me, and you were always honest with me. Now I’m left with a brother who could care less what’s going on in my world, and a sister that doesn’t really know I exist beyond what she needs out of me. I’m alone with no hope of having a friend as a sibling.
Every day, since the day I was born, you were there. Always there. And now you’re not, and you made that choice. To leave me. You chose that I was nothing. I had no importance. You Abandoned me. I think of your precious daughter all the time, and what her life will be without you. It’s not better. It’s not ok.

I keep calling your friends and fixating on the time in our life when we were living together. Somehow it makes me feel like there’s a piece of you that I’m getting back. Which is SOOO stupid. I actually considered trying to get into our old apartment and just sit in it. I want to feel you around me, but I don’t. It’s like I’m just nothing, nor was I ever. I hate this, and I love you!

My entire soul aches just to be in your presence. We don’t have to talk, we don’t have to touch. Just knowing you are there is all I need. I’ll never get that again and it sucks.

I love you with every fiber of my being. I’ll miss you forever!

Your loving and desperate sister



December 10, 2015. You took a bottle of sleeping pills and never woke up. I remember hearing my mom screaming from the emergency room when they said you were gone as I stood outside and dropped to the ground. It felt like the world had stopped and shattered into a million pieces. You were so tired weren’t you? So tired from fighting your depression and anxiety and eating disorders and body dysmorphia. You wanted to get better so badly and I hoped that one day you would be able to overcome it all. You were only 15, so young and so beautiful. You were too good for this cruel world and my life will never be the same without you. I miss you so much and I still feel like you’re coming back and this is all a bad dream. Mom and dad miss you so much it hurts me to see how broken they are without you. I try to keep telling myself that you’re happy and you’re finally the person you were always meant to be. I look forward to the day I get to hold you again and hear your laugh. I will always love you and I will live for you and be strong for you.

Until next time, my angel.

For peter

To Peter, on the 23rd of May 2014 my whole world was turned upside down, I had music practice in town and I was coming home at around 9pm to find my dad and a neighbour trying to get the ropes off of you. I didn’t fully understand as I was only 11 at the time and had never fully understood suicide. My dad has come home from work to find you had committed suicide I ran to get my blanket to put around you and a knife to cut the rope off. Soon the ambulance and all our neighbours were in our garden. I was so scared and upset. My Mam fainted so that gave me more things to worry about . Me my Mam, dad and older brother stood beside you while the ambulance men tried to bring you back to life. But it was too late, you had been taken from this life and I never got to say goodbye. It is now over two years later and it’s only properly sinking in that Your gone forever . I love you so much and miss you so much. But I forget little memories everyday and it’s killing me to say that I even forget how to say your name sometimes. Life hasn’t been the same since you left, I’m finding it difficult to cope with most things and I struggle alone as I don’t tell anyone about my problems. I have friends but there is no one who understands the pain I’m going through . I have no one to turn to. Two years ago you left with no explanation, no note or text to explain why you thought suicide was the only answer. I really want to know why because I keep thinking and rethinking about things you said and I can’t help feeling that I might’ve said something to upset you. Please Peter help me to start to cope properly and try and talk to me if you can or send me signs that your with me because I’m starting to loose hope. I love and miss you so much. Love from your little sister aveX