My brother Dan was always someone who would make you laugh and smile with his dry witty humor. He was a two time brain tumor survivor and I was always amazed at how brave he was going through chemo and surgeries. My father started off very mentally abusive to me, my mother and then to my brother which had escalated one day I came home to a police officer telling me my father stabbed my brother which my brother had survived. My father and mother then got a divorce. I was relieved to find my father to never come back to hurt us again. Life seemed good. 8 months later My brother was suffering from depression because he felt hopeless in life. He believed brain surgeries left him to be handicapped and slow forever and also was sad at age of 31 did not have a wife and children and as independent he imagined he would have been by now. Me and my mother work 3rd shift as nurses. My mother unfortunately arrived home first as I could hear yelling inside the house thinking my brother and her were arguing but for me to walk into our living room to see a ladder and a rope hanging from banister with my lifeless brother body with her weeping next to him holding him. Aug. 26 2016 was when the worst day of my life and the last day I would ever see my brother again. The day of his death, and the two following days a black butterfly would always follow me. I research online what it could mean and I believed it was my brother saying his last goodbyes to me before his spirit crossed over. To my brother Dan I love you everyday and I hope you are chillin and laughing in heaven and for one day for us to be together again. Love you forever
Grieving with love and anger
I lost my brother to suicide October 2016. I know he had problems but I thought he was handling his circumstances well. Due to learning disabilities, he never made much more than minimum wage. He was victim of a for profit college that put him 40k in debt. A sum he could never pay and no ability to discharge the debt. With two wage garnishment, he was the definition of the working poor. He had promised me if he needed help he would call me, but he was proud. I later learned he was about to be evicted. All it would have taken is a phone call. I would have done what was needed. He knew that and he had promised me he would reach out. I don’t understand why death was preferrable. I cry every day, but I am also so angry at someone who dies not even exist. I want to scream at him and kick his butt. I want to hug him. I feel so betrayed. What he did was unbelievably cruel and self centered. I thought he loved me. He had to know he was loved. Why did that not matter.? All he had to do was to pick up the phone and call instead of hanging himself by a door knob. I don’t understand.
Just want you to know (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
Just want you to know
Our parents committed suicide when I was 12 and my brother was 8 years old. 5 years later, I haven’t been feeling well. The past few weeks I’ve thought about leaving this world. After finding this site though, I’m definitely not going to do it. It’s heartbreaking to read your stories and I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve realised my brother really needs his big sister, I can’t be selfish. I’ve already scheduled an appointment with a psychologist as soon as possible (thanks socialism). You don’t have to post this but I want you to know this site is very useful and important and you have to keep it up.
I’m sorry
My love my sis,
How could this have ever happened? We thought we were flying, and turns out we were digging ourselves a grave. Ever since you left, it is as if I am only half here. Never fully.
Perhaps we were too close, perhaps not close enough. I know I wasn’t the kind of sister you needed. You deserved. I was self centered and stupid. Blinkers on eyes.
I am sorry. please forgive me. It was my fault for calling you that day. I am still angry with our father for what happened. I don’t think it will ever go away completely. I am angry with our mother for being so blind. So uncaring of one she presumed to love so much. How could we all be so irresponsible toward you?
We are still alive, that’s a miracle. Your presence is still there in our home, the garden. It keeps us alive.
I lost every thing I thought I wanted, when I lost you. It hasn’t come back. I lost my story. I am glad. I want no story without you in it.
I love you very much. I no longer believe in after lives. But if in the throes of dying, oxygen deprived and hallucinating, I get to see you (?), that would be bliss. I hope life is kind.
My dear little sister
My little sister hung her self only hours ago. I was the one to find her. I am in so much pain and every time I close my eyes the scene of me finding her replays in my mind on loop. I’m glad it was me though. I lost a brother almost three years ago to cancer, and I couldn’t bare if my parents had found her. I’m still numb. Still in shock. I’ve been suffering anxiety and depression among other mental illnesses for quite some time now and it’s, very, very intense right now. She left a note, and a document on her computer, semi explaining herself. It was because the world is chaotic and evil (a lot of it. Not all) she knew she was loved and she knew we would do anything for her. But she never saw a future for herself. We come from a very spiritual, religious background. And about a year ago she stopped believing. Even became atheist. And I cannot bare to think she is anywhere but heaven right now. Any prayers for her are very welcome and encouraged. And if that’s not your thing, please. Send good vibes. Her name was Sara. 18 years of age. Two weeks before graduation. On her prom night.
30 years later
30 years ago my 11 year old brother shot him self while I was watching him. I was 14 and my parents took the puppies to training class. That day we played and wrote on each other with markers. I have a hard time remembering his voice now and his personality but on the hard days I comes rushing back. He had talked to me that day about how I would do it and he had written a letter about what he wanted done with his things I even took the gun out of his hand that day and told him he would be in trouble for having it. We had talked a little after and I went down stairs to play a game with him. I yelled up a couple times wondering what was taking him so long. That’s when I heard him drop the ketchup bottle and break it. Now I’m thinking we are both in trouble for it. Little did I know he just shot off his head with a 44. I yelled up a few times and still no answer. Sometime later I went up to find him in my parents room with his head missing and a giant mess all over the wall and ceiling. I froze I think felt like I stood there for hours. I don’t know why but I rode my bike around our small town. Things get fuzzy now but I found a policeman along the way and was sitting in the back of his car outside my house with a bunch of other first responders. I don’t remember much else of the night other then wanting water and my dad asking me if it was the gun. I lost my brother and my father that day. He shut down and 25 years later died from not taking care of himself. Maybe we both shut down and my mom over compensated For it. I still never know when emotion will overwhelm me either good or bad. Maybe his death saved my life because there are time I know how he must of felt that day but I know how how everyone else felt the next. My wife and kids suffer from my demons when they take over.but most of the time we are a happy loving family. They deserve better and it’s not fair to my kids to have to see my bad days. They are few and far between which takes us all by surprise and that makes it worse coming out of the blue like they do. I wish I could have seen my brother grow and have him to talk to. Now my dad is gone I feel because he didn’t want to live anymore either. He died the day they were going to sign paper on a house to move closer to my family.
My Bro, Can STILL hear you laughing after 25 yrs
My Dearest Brother. Here is May 6th rolling around yet again. 25 yrs ago I picked your teeth out of the pine trees and covered your body matter with rocks that the EMT left behind. My deep sorrow of missing you never gets any better. I cannot help but wonder how your 60th birthday would have been this year! I wonder where you are now. I still have my little jewelry box on my dresser you gave me when I was so little. You were always so sweet and kind… and you never had a chance in this life. I could not be sorrier that you could not see any other way out of your pain than to shoot yourself. In the dark, in the early morning, deep in the woods. How terrifying or peaceful was thay for you?! Those nights out there are pitch black and I remember them well. I wish I could’ve said goodbye. I wish so many things. I wish I could undo so much of the past but what did I know back then. I can’t believe I have made it 10 years past what you did!! I still think of you every time I go to a new place that is just beautiful & live it for you. I still think of you every time I see fireworks. My deep sorro for you will NEVER EVER go away. I can’t help but feel so cheated and robbed from not having you here longer on this planet. I truly hope I can see you again in Heaven-you deserve no other place to be than there. You were such an awesome sweet & gentle soul that we all took for granted. Missing you so hard shows the deep impact you greatly had on my life. This is not about me & the hole or aftermath of you leaving us – I get that you were in immense pain, but I just really want to say how much I miss you & wish you were still around. Love always, your Baby Sister
Miss You Rabbit
Next week it will be 11 years since you left us. My baby sister, only 13 years young what did you know about pain and life that would have caused you to take yours? I was supposed to be your big sister. I was supposed to protect you. Why didn’t I know what you were thinking? Why couldn’t I see the signs? I’m sorry I failed you as a sister and friend. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you like a big sister should be able too. 11 years I have almost live your whole life again but this time without you. I will never forget you. I will always miss you until the day I die. I just wanted to say I’m sorry that I didn’t do anything more. I’m sorry I failed you. Until we meet again beautiful angel. I will love you for eternity and more.
My beautiful Brother (SiblingSurvivors Letters)
Subject: My beautiful Brother
Did not see that coming. Still can’t believe it. Feels like a nightmare. I get angry at you for leaving me and Ed at a time like this when we were bonded in sorting out the situation. I feel physically sick sometimes when the reality hits me and I am unsure at times if I will survive this. You left too soon and broke many many hearts. You are so loved and I’m sorry I wasn’t their to talk you through the darkness and pain you must have felt. You have a beautiful soul and a big heart and that is how you will be remembered. I will miss your crazy ways and how you would bring a room full of people alive with your laughter and humour, I miss you so much. Love always Debbie …….your wee sister xxxxx
My best friend
My beautiful baby sister, I miss you so much. This past Sunday marks 6 months since you left. It was so hard to work Coachella without you; our business has expanded so much and this year Lady Gaga ended up replacing Beyonce – you would have loved it.
I miss you more and more everyday and I know time is supposed to help but it only makes me feel like you’re farther away or that you’re a figment of my imagination.. my favorite character from a book. I miss sharing (and fighting) over clothes, shoes, jewelry, beauty products — now their all mine.. I miss doing errands together and going to get our nails done.
You were my number one comrade when it came to everything; my own mental health, school, politics… I have no one to talk to the way that we used to talk to. We shared so many similar passions. I left school when you passed, and I’m not sure I want to go back. Losing you and grandpa months apart from each other have given me a new perspective on life and love.
That day I wanted to call the police when you were not answering anyones calls or texts and sent D that photo. I didn’t think it was real. I thought it was a google image search to scare him, none the less it scared me and mom and we called all your friends who said you were supposed to be at a birthday brunch for T and later celebrate D’s birthday.
I was expecting to go on a hike and give you a pep talk, the same way you always gave me a pep talk and reminded me how smart, beautiful, loved, intelligent and important I am. To find you that way was worse than a nightmare and I tried everything to try and backtrack your decision. As traumatic as it was at least I know that mom and I tried our best to find you….that you weren’t missing for days and then found. I don’t know why you shut us out that day. You were still warm, and I got to hold and caress you one last time. I ran my fingers through your beautiful hair and held your hands hoping I would wake up from this awful nightmare as mom collapsed on the ground and was bawling. I had to keep myself together for the police report and coroner.
Why didn’t you let me in? How were we so close but I never knew? We talked nearly everyday since grandpa passed in August and I know that was difficult for us both.. we spent the last 2 weeks of your life enjoying music and talking until the late hours of the night… why didn’t you say anything? Was our discussion about Lady Gaga’s Joanne album a message that I missed?
I am so lonely without you. I would do anything to have you back and be with you again. We were supposed to be together forever. It seems like everyone in the family is stronger than me in trying to process this. You cross my mind and I can’t believe you aren’t out there in the world soaking up the sun and breathing fresh air. You had so much life to live.
I respect and accept your decision. You are free from your suffering. I just love and miss you so much L, please help me get through this.
xoxo your big sister