Two years ago my brother took his own life, I lost my best friend and I’ll never be the same person I was.
For thirty years he was always there, never judging me or leading me the wrong way, yeah we fought like brothers sometimes but that’s just how it is. We did everything together and went through a lot when we we’re kids so we always had that strong bond and knew we could count on each other, I’ll never get that back, a void that will stay with me the rest of my life. I love and miss him so much.
The part that really hurts is I have a seven year old daughter that looked up to him so much, the love he had for her was unreal, it broke my daughters heart when I had to tell her he was gone, being seven she doesn’t understand the reality of what happened, now when she gets older to a point when honestly I’m ready, I’ll have to re-live this and tell her the truth and break her heart all over again.
I am a veteran, did a tour in Iraq, and I can honestly say that his suicide messed me up more than what I went through during my military career, I think of him every single day, some days are harder than others but the one thing I have taken from this is you’re not alone and for that I’m extremely grateful.
After two years I still have the same heartbreaking feeling that hurts more than anything I can describe.
I’ve never really talked about it so thank you if you read this.
Did you know?
My sister Amanda… did you know when you shot yourself that you would take the whole family with you in one way or another? It’s been two years and the latest casualty is that our other sister left this earth almost 2 years to the day of your suicide. No, she did not go the same way. She had a heart attack. But who dies of at heart attack at her age? I cannot believe anything except that she died of a broken heart. I loved you so deeply; you were my best friend and I think you were her best friend too. She was so lonely after you left! I miss you too, but I am staying strong, by God’s grace, for the sake of mom and dad and your child and my children and my one last remaining sister. I ask anew, “why???”, and I know, but I don’t know, the reason. I hope I will see you again some day. Until then, I will cry more than I ever thought I could.
On April 25 I got a text from my little brother saying where he was and how sorry he was. Attached was a Google docs suicide note. At first I was confused on what I was seeing. Then it hit. Like a train slamming into me. I quickly went to the spot where he was and there was already a ton of cops and my parents. We waited for what seemed like forever and then they finally told us you had shot yourself in the head and were not going to survive.
I was still in shock as I told mikel over the phone what had happened since he was out of town. When we got to the hospital there were so many people asking questions. Cops nurses doctors surgeons social workers you name it.
We took you off the ventilator April 26.
Since then I’ve moved back in with mom and dad not by choice, sold my car, quit my job, and got dumped all because of what happened.
Here we are 4 1/2 months later and all I wanna do is scream at you. My life is completely ruined. I’m miserable without you and I miss you like crazy.
I miss you
It’s been a little over a month since you made the very poor drug induced decision that you’d be better off dead and I don’t think I’ll go a single day without thinking of you for the rest of my life. You were only 19 you didn’t need to feel like such a failure you were still young and had so much life a head of you. You had drug addictions but you also had family here to help you why did you have to seek help in those shitty friends of yours and most of all the biggest question in my head and confusion still to this day is WHY DID YOUR FRIENDS LET YOU SLEEP. Why didn’t they just take you to the hospital or call the cops when you told them you had taken a weeks worth of dad’s prescription pills. I’m leaving this “what if” and “if only” road and finally just trying to live with the fact that there’s nothing I can do now and you’re gone. I will miss you forever brother. I didn’t even recognize that sweet face at your funeral. nobody there did. you were just an empty shell of what you once were but I will remember you always as my little brother that loved his family and would kill for us. this is the worst pain of my life. I love and miss you Josh.
I am having a really hard time understanding why you did this. I love you so much baby brother. We will forever be thinking of you and missing you. Your family loved you so much. We wish we could have helped you fight your demons. Rest in paradise baby brother. I love you so much.
I am so sorry
That I couldn’t save you from them and I’m sorry I blew you off the night that you called me. I didn’t know that it would be the last time I would hear your voice. I hope you are at peace. I can only imagine what a living hell you were in as I’ve dealt with my own demons, the demons of depression. I hope I see you again because I miss you so much. Hey, if you could give my children a kick in the butt too for treating their mother so poorly. Also, would you tell mom to lighten up, she remains impossible. Todd, I love you and I never got a chance to tell you how much. Forever, Sissie
Never get over it
I was 21 y/o, in college, when my only sibling, my brother Todd, took his life. He was only 15. My parents had always had a tumultuous marriage & he was subjected to more of their craziness than I was. My father had a long history of depression and my mother chose to stay with him. I “fell apart” and flunked-out of school. I didn’t know I was depressed, I did know that I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t eat, my weight dropped dramatically. But I did get the message that grieving wasn’t okay and I “should get over it.” My mother actually said that I had no right to grieve because it was only my brother, but it was HER son. Todd died in 1974 and I have learned that his death is a part of my life.
Miss my younger brother
When brother was 19 when he hung himself. He is six years younger than me. Growing up we grew up in the country always playing together constantly together. Our parents split up when he was around 9. While he grew up and we became distanced due to not living together but we still have a very close bond and he always knew I had his back. He was searching for a family to love him and he got with this girl she had two kids and he thought the one kid was his but it didn’t end up being his. I think it broke his heart. And he’s had to be there for my sister through so many unresolved health issues in the past 5 months to a year… He was on and off in his relationship but they always seemed to get back together and make it work. He loved her kids soo much and wanted to be a father for them. He was stabbed two weeks before he killed himself in a fight against three teenage guys. He seemed okay, he called me we talked and I told him to call me if anything bad happens again! And I meant it. My brother internalized everything and had health problems himself both physically and mentally but physically his body really went downhill. We went to a concert in April and I feel so bad not realizing the signs or see how bad he was slipping. I ignored it because of the state I put myself in in my own life. He loved his niece’s and nephew’s soo much. And I had a son less than two weeks after he had passed… Im so numb and making very big decisions in my life under such a hard circumstance. I have people there for me but I don’t want to let myself down, because I feel I’m letting the people that are there for me down. My sister found my brother in the closet and had to call their dad. And my mom found our thru a text message thru my brothers dad. I have anger and bad thoughts. But I am trying to stay strong for my brother and my kids, you have to in life. Because life isn’t fair, people can be crazy but we have to make the best of it while we are still here. Love you soo much bro I hope you are at peace.
I Still Miss You
It was forty years ago today that my brother left me and my family. I can’t believe where the years went. I went to his grave today, like I do every year, and brought a lawn chair and smoked one of his pipes and talked to him like I always do. He would have been 68 this year and I think of all the things we missed doing together. My brother Jimmy was an old soul, he was 28, had a handle bar mustache, smoked a pipe and could talk to you about any subject, I think that’s what I miss the most, our talks. I was 17 and we would talk about everything, sports, history, science, girls, everything a older brother passes on to a little brother. And when he was gone there was a hole. So forty years later I still go to the cemetery and talk to my big brother and tell him that I still miss him and love him and hope that he’s looking down smoking a nice Peterson and petting our dog Tushie, and making sure I live a good life and being a good mentor like he was to me.
The Problem With You
it’s not the things you did back when we were kids
it’s not the way that you died it’s the way that you lived
it’s the gifts you had to give and your generous soul
it was big brother jedi knight mind control
had me spellbound idolizing you and your friends
made you tell me all the same jokes again and again
and as I rewind time to way back then
I recall what it was about you
the problem with you is no one else will do
It’s more than thirty years now that you’ve been gone
and it’s taken me that long to write this song
I understand your actions whether right or wrong
but that doesn’t help me move on or be strong
I remember when the cops came to our front door
telling us they found your body but they weren’t sure
had to check the dental records to make an exact match
nineteen months of questions answered just like that
the problem with you is no one else will do
the problem with you is there’s no one else like you
the problem is I can’t get you out of my mind
even after all this time
people tell me let you go but I don’t know how
I have nightmares can’t seem to slow those down
I’ve been to the woods where you did the deed
and found more of your remains there beneath the trees
I confess I have a vertebrae of yours in a drawer
it’s morbid for sure but it’s you and it’s pure
I’ve been a hot mess ever since you left
post traumatic stress or just depressed I guess
I try to hide behind hard work and jokes
on bad days they go up in smoke
honestly it’s fucked up the way it all went down
with no answers or closure or peace to be found
the problem isn’t just your decision to quit
the problem is you left me here to live with it
the problem with you is there’s no one else like you