My youngest brother hung himself after his wife left him… He came to stay with us to get back on his feet … he hung himself in our barn on my birthday ! It’s been almost 7 months and it doesn’t get any easier! I feel guilty that I didn’t really think he would do this, that I let him down, that I didn’t see the signs and most of all I let my parents and other brother down! My husband found him… he uses that against me now!! I can not repay that debt!! I’m so so sad and sometimes I am emotionless! Stunned
No one can help… he is gone
Lost my Man of Honor
Sorry for the profanity but I just had to let it out, I’m so mad, sad, lost, confused, hurt, and sick. My baby brother took his life at the ripe age of 21. I miss him so damn much and I just don’t know what to do. Damnit man this sucks! He stood by me when I got married and now he’s just gone.
I lost my baby sister to suicide (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
I lost my baby sister to suicide
On October 2, 2017 I lost my baby sister to suicide at the young age of 39. I’m so hurt and confused because I talked to her the day before. I’m angry with myself for not recognizing any possible signs in our conversation that may have saved her life. I cry just thinking about her. I pray she’s at peace and in heaven now with our dad but how do I know she’s at peace and in heaven. Deep down I’m selfish because I believe she could have stayed here and that my love was enough to fix her. My sister had a past of suicide attempts but was able to be saved so why wasn’t she saved this time I still talk to her as though she’s here with me and it’s like I’m trying to convince myself she’s here watching just to feel like she is but I don’t know if she’s really here with me or not. I feel like myself and everyone she loved failed her by not saving her or preventing her from committing suicide. It also replay in my head nonstop.
How? (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
Subject: How?
Two nights ago my brother committed suicide. I got the news and I immediately felt like all the air in my lungs was pulled from my body… I can’t stop picturing in my head what he was going through the moments leading to his departure… How can I stop these mental pictures from crossing my mind? How can anyone go about their normal daily lives after a tragic loss of a brother!?? I’ve cried and cried… I still today find myself tearing up… I’m lost now, I am not in control of this situation and I’m driving myself crazy…
Baby Brother (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
Subject: Baby Brother
Dear CJ
Its been 3 weeks today. Mondays suck. They are the worse. I cant help loon at the clock and think about when u left the house, drove to the park, and put the gun to your head.
U left me here alone. It was me and u. What am i suppose to do with mom and dad? U were suppose to help me make decisions but here i am….now an only child. WTF were u thinking?
The cancer diagnosis was something we could have worked through. Instead u left us heart broken. What am i suppose to tell DE about his Uncle when he asks. U were his god parent. Did u think of that when u decided to put a bullet in ur brain?
Do u know im seeking therapy becuse i cant look at my duty weapon without having thoughts myself???
I dont understand…….
I love and miss u so much……
This is a nighmare i cant get out of…..
I cant stop crying……
My heart aches……
U left me……now an only child that i dont want to be.
Dear Jessica
Hey Jess,
It’s Thanksgiving today. Me mom dad and Nonna are going to Zia’s like we usually do. Last year we had Thanksgiving at our house. Remember Peter brought his motorcycle over to show us? You were happy that day. I loved your happy days. It felt like I had you back on your good days.
Today is hard. Really hard. Part of me keeps going through the list of things I am thankful far and part of me doesn’t want to do this without you.
I am forever thankful I had you. I will always be so grateful to God that I was blessed to have you as a sister. You loved me so much. I loved you with all of who I was. Many don’t ever experience that. So I am grateful that I did, that you showed me what the lovely a sister feels like.
My little sister.
It was my job to protect you. So many times I feel like I failed you as a big sister.
But you had demons that even I couldn’t fight.
It’ll be 5 months tomorrow.
Tell Vavo and Laura I say hi. We miss them too. So much.
It hurts so bad Jess.
I love you Jechi,
“Mourn not to long that he is not here,But, REJOICE FOREVER that he was” Old Proverb
A Boy Named Jeffrey
20years has past since my favorite person in the world,left. I was wrong to take you for granted and make the assumption that no harm could ever fall on you You were enveloped in my future thru all of our growing older together I feel lost and alone here This years is a new normal to get used to… I’m older so I can clearly recall the day u moved in…but now I’ve been alive without you,longer than we spent together It’s been lonely without you here Just deep, profound loneliness I’ll forever pray you you did what you believed you need to do I know if your mind, spirit &soul were in such torment here,when u choose to leave,u were released… Welcomed,loved,accepted and at peace.