After losing my youngest brother 4 months ago, my life has been in slow motion. I have had feelings that I never ever thought I would have, the only thing holding me together is my family that is very close to one another. This may sound odd – afterall, why would someone want to leave a loving family so violently & awful? Its left with an immense pain that feels like a broken heart that cannot be mended no matter what you do. Needless to say I am devastated! I was under the impression that I was the only person to feel this heartache and that no one could possibly understand how I felt. Depressed, confused, mad, sad beyond belief, anxious, lost, blame, lonely, devastated etc.etc. Unfortunately I was wrong. After reading daily, weekly, monthly posts on this site, I came to the realization that I was not alone. I was a part of this group “not by choice” that loves as hard as I do and hurts as bad as I do – feeling the way I was and understanding the unbearable pain I am going through! I embraced it with all my heart, thanks to this group, I have hope that together we will find a way to smile again and that there is hope even though it seems far away. If I had one wish, I would somehow try to make two wishes into one. I would wish to see my brother one more time so I could reiterate my love for him, hug & hold him, caress his face and most importantly let him know that I am proud to be his sister. The combined wish would be that every person thinking of suicide read all the posts on this site so they can realize the aftermath and massive impact this decision has on the people who love them and would do anything to save their life. Suicide ruins the lives of the people left behind! We are living proof… God bless you all.
5 years 1 week
I looked up to you. You were my only “full” sister. My only true sibling. We did everything together since I was born. You practically raised me being 10 years older. Nothing will ever be the same. I tried to find Happy and healthy since you couldn’t. I’m losing the battle too Trish. It’s not fair that you get to just give up and I have to stay here and deal. You were the smart one. You had the life skills to survive. I kept it together for my kids because I had to be a better influence then you. I still only keep it together for them. You have traumatized us all. We all tried to make you happy. You had it all. You were so smart. I know losing all your material things, job, boyfriend are heartbreaking things but you rebuild. You turned into an alcoholic and you just gave up. Why did you have to dwell so badly in your pain?? Why couldn’t you let it make you stronger. You told me you were going to get the phoenix rising tattoo. You told me you would never try to kill yourself ever again. You told me you would never put me through that again. I knew you were lying.
You went crazy. You were so drunk you called the cops. You kept trying to run down the street into traffic. I was happy she called the cops. The cops asked what I wanted and I said I just want her to go to bed. The cops asked her if that sounded ok and she said yes. That was it. We didn’t know she had a whole bottle of morphine hiding that she took from an expired patient of hers. She fell asleep forever and it will always be because I asked her to. I’ve never really had anyone to talk to about it. I had to move on quick and be a role model for my kids who she left beyond confused for a 7 and 10 year old. I thought it would get easier. I thought if I dove into finding happy and healthy that it would be ok eventually. I really did think I found it at some point, but I think I fell off the path because happiness is getting harder and harder to find again and I can’t stop thinking of you. You were my best friend when I had no friends. Thank you again for everything growing up. You spoiled me. It’s so hard going on without you. It’s almost Easter. Nobody else understands when I say happy easter and then make the Cadbury bunny chick noise. Bock bock ba gauck. Nobody hardly understands any of our inside jokes. I have no friends. You just really suck. Sorry whoever reads this. I’m pretty lost.
To me dear brother Austin (SiblingSurvivors Letters)
Dear Austin,
I miss you so much more than any word could ever describe. When you were alive you were my best friend. You were always there for me and always put up with me. I miss us texting each other “yo” or “yo wanna jump” when we wanted to go out onto the trampoline, and when i would run into your room and jump on your bed and say “Can I play GTA” as fast as I could for some reason. Or when we would go onto the trail and look for a place to make a cool fort. Or when you taught me how to do cool tricks on the trampoline. I wish you could come back more than anything. If I could only have one wish in the entire world, it would be to bring you back. I know you don’t want to live but you could get help. You could get your life together again and get a job and we could start that dog business you always wanted to start. I just want you back. I know I didn’t say this that much when you were alive, but I love you. More than anything else in the world. I never thought I would go through this much pain at just 13 years old. I never thought I would have to go to my own brother’s funeral so early on in life and see him… dead. The pain I endure is unbearable. I see a therapist now and she makes thing a bit better but I will forever have a broken heart. There will always be an empty space in my heart where you should be. There is not a single day that has past where I have ‘t thought about you. I just want to see you one more time, hug you one more time, say I love you one more time. If only I could just see you one last time so i could at least say goodbye. Even if it was just for a minute. I also have so many questions for you. Like: Why did you do it on the fourth of July? Why dodn’t you write a note explaining exactly why you did it? Or did you write one? If you did, did it get lost? Why were you listening to Faded by Zhu when you did it? Why did you do it where you did it? Are you in Heaven, or Hell? Will I ever see you again? I want the answers so bad but I know I will never get them because you are gone. Most days these days I just feel numb. I almost can’t even comprehend how much I miss you and I feel fine because I am numb so much. Though once every little bit it will all come rushing back and I can’t do anything but cry. I feel so much guilt. I am sorry for what I did. You told me that you attenpted suicide and wanted to commit and when mom and dad came home you asked if I was going to tell Dad and I shook my head no, walked upstairs to my room, and cried. God I wish I could at least just go back to that day and not have said no. I wish I could fix that mistake and instead ran outside to the car and told them everything. Instead I was a coward and said nothing. I am just a depressed little piece of shit. I don’t deserve a brother like you anyway. I feel so bad for what I did. Or didn’t do really. I truly am deeply sorry. Around the time you did it, I had a dream that you were in your room at the end of your room. I remember you laying on the ground, dead. You had killed yourself with a gun which is how you did it in real life. To this day I ponder and ponder how I could have dreamt a dream like that at such a convenient time. I just wish you would have gave life one more chance. Life is so hard without you. I could always go to you to complain about our “insane” family because you were the only one who understood me but now I can’t. The whole family is just completely falling about and we are always at each others throats anymore without you. You have to come back we need you. Michelle and James moved in to our house and life is more stressful than ever. I am extremely upset because they took your room which was supposed to be my place to smell your ever so distinct smell and think and talk to you. Now it’s gone and now it is their room with their smell that I can never go into. The kids are very stressful and they don’t do a good job of watching them and my whole life is upside down between you and them. I got diagnosed with an Adjustment Disorder and Uncomplicated Bereavement and it’s tough. My birthday is coming up soon. Just a couple of weeks. You aren’t going to be there, though. I won’t ever be able to escape my birthday parties and just go down stairs and play “Rome” with you instead, or any party. The Fourth of July will forever be ruined for me and I can’t stand the sound of Fireworks now because I just think and invision you standing by the side of the road on the sidewalk shooting yourself. It’s terrible. One day I will graduate and go to college, you won’t be there for me then either. One day I will go and meet the love of my life then get married, you won’t be there for me then either. One day I will move into my first apartment then someday my first house. You won’t be able to be there to celebrate with me though. One day I will have kids, but they will never be able to meet their amazing uncle and you will never be able to help me raise them. I just miss you so, so much. I want to be with you but I can’t leave the family too. Mom cries almost every single night now and constantly says shes wants to be with you. I hear her sobs every night. She misses you a ton like everyone else. She also feels guilty for seperating you from Abby. She feels terrible. Michelle had another baby. His name is Oliver Rue Santos and by God he is by far the most perfect and cutest baby I have ever seen in my life. It’s just way too bad he will never meet you. Michael and Brittni got a new house. It’s in Terrace Park and it is so big. There’s also some woods and a creek behind it. I know you and I would both love to go their when we visit them and explore and have fun. They also had baby twins. One is a baby boy names George Joseph O’Connor, the other is a girl. Her name is Harper June O’Connor. They were born a couple months too early, though, and might possibly die. If they do, please take care of them if you are in Heaven. They are the sweetest little things. Anyways, I love you so, SO much and miss you. I hope when I eventually die I will be able to reunite with you, my dear brother.
Love, Alison
What I Learned from My Brother’s Suicide (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
Two years and 10 months ago, my brother killed himself.
He was 23 years old.
He had his whole life ahead of him.
And it was all over in an instant.
To be exact, I have not seen my brother in 1,041 days.
And in those 1,041 days, I have had a lot of time to think.
To think about the night “it” happened, and the moment I found out.
The moment that changed my life forever.
To think about all those years leading up to that moment.
And what I could’ve done differently.
I’ve replayed that night over and over again in my mind.
“Zachary took one of my guns and killed himself.”
My whole world spun.
I collapsed to the hard concrete.
Instantly my body was filled with a fierce cold.
Even though it was a painfully hot southern summer night.
It was the moment that altered my life forever.
And from that moment I have learned many lessons, three of which I will share with you today.
Lesson #1: Life is worth living.
I don’t care who you are or where you have been or what you’ve done, life is worth living. I don’t care how depressed you are, suicide is not the answer.There is always a reason to hold on. There is always a reason to keep fighting.
If you are someone who has considered suicide or see it as a viable option, you have to understand that your decision will affect people more than you realize.Even if you truly believe that no one will care, no one will miss you, or people would be happier if you were gone — You. Are. Wrong.
I guarantee you. If you think I am flat out wrong, I encourage you to open up to someone in your life and tell them that you are considering suicide. Allow at least one person into your pain, into the darkest confines of your mind, and perhaps you will feel less alone and perhaps that person will help you understand why you need to stay.
And if you don’t feel like you have anyone in your life who you can go to (which I highly doubt), there are amazing resources out there to support you in this pain. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1–800–273–8255.
Lesson #2: You are not alone in your pain.
The biggest lie depression will tell you is that you are alone.
This is incredibly false.
Everyone has something. The more you get to know people, the more you realize that everyone is struggling to survive in some capacity. Maybe you too have lost a loved one. Maybe you lost your job and are struggling financially. Maybe you lost a friendship or a romantic relationship. Maybe you struggle with chronic depression, social anxiety, insecurity, loneliness, etc.
I can guarantee you that whatever you’re going through, no matter how specific or how highly personal the situation may be, there is at least one other person out there in the world who knows what you are feeling, who has experienced what you have experienced, and who is willing to help you get to the other side.
I’ve always heard that life has a tendency to repeat itself, and the older I get, the more I realize how true this is. If life just keeps repeating itself, and if there are people out there who have faced what we have faced, why don’t we leverage the wisdom of those people?
Buy a self-help book, listen to a podcast, see a therapist — I don’t care what you do. Just do something. Just start somewhere. Better yet, start now.
Find a way to leverage the wisdom of those who have gone before you, those who have already known the pain of what you’re experiencing and can save you days, months, and years of more pain by guiding you through whatever you are going through.
Lesson #3: Gratitude is the only path to happiness.
Happiness does not lead to gratitude.
Gratitude leads to happiness.
We can focus on the fact that we lost my brother after 23 short years, or we can make the decision to be grateful for the 23 years he gave us.
You can focus on the relationship that suddenly came to an end, or you can focus on what you learned from that relationship and how it changed you for the better.
You can focus on the job that you lost, or you can channel all of your frustration and energy into finding something else.
Everyday when you wake up in the morning, you have a choice.
You can focus on what’s going wrong in your life.
Or you can strive to seek the light.
You can allow yourself to be filled to the brim with negativity.
Or you can strive to seek the light.
I don’t care who you are, you have a reason to be grateful.
Even if it’s only, “I am grateful for two eyes to see the world around me” —
That’s still something.
Life is worth living. You are not alone in your pain. And gratitude is the only path to happiness.
If you don’t know where to begin, start with those three simple concepts.
Keep repeating these phrases to yourself, even if you don’t believe them.
Life is worth living.
You are not alone in your pain.
And gratitude is the only path to true, lasting happiness.
If no one has told you this today, I am glad you are here.
I am happy you are alive.
You have a reason for being here.
A mission, a purpose.
And I hope you give yourself enough time on this planet to find that purpose.
Someone Who Cares
Contact the author:
Haley Hoyle
UFO (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
Today has been 10 weeks. that amount of time feels like a year, a day and that you never left us all rolled into one.
sometimes I look at the clock at 1:08 AM on Thursdays and remember that’s when I heard the truck leave. I can’t get the sound of the truck turning on out of my head. You told me you were “fine” 13 minutes before you left the house. I thought you were going to Walmart or something. im still mad at you that you hid the notes from me. I know that you knew that I was probably the one that was going to find them. im mad that you texted me “night. love you” and then walked past my door and left the house to do what you did, leaving us. All you had to do was knock on my door. I wouldn’t have been mad that you had started drinking again. if you told me that you wanted to kill yourself I would have driven you to the hospital so fast you wouldn’t know what happened. I always wanted the best for you.
today, dad brought in the UFO you made for halloween. it’s huge and sitting above my car in the garage but it’s fine. it looks like it’s taking off into flight the way it’s leaning against the wall.
I miss you. sometimes I pretend that you’re at work and that you’ll just be home later.
I know that it was you that turned on the lamp on your nightstand the other night. did you do it bc you know that every time I leave and enter my room I glance to your bedroom? my counselor said that I should close your door, bc that’s probably setting me back but I can’t bear to do it. Do you remember that you left that lamp on when you left the house that night?
“hearts yo”
4 Months… The memories live on. (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
Serg today was an extremely hard day, we transfered your car title, had lunch with your boys and felt your presence with us. I of course, could not hold my tears, I cried the entire day because I smelled you in your car & felt as if you were right next to me telling me how not to change the gears and remembering our drives to CVS at 2am.. You changed my life in so many ways Serg, my heart is so broken, I think of you all day sometimes I laugh, other times I smile but most times I cry because I miss you so much. I know that I will see you again but knowing that I wont on this earth is heartbreaking to me. I just want to tell you that I am so sorry that your life ended this way, I cant imagine how low you must of felt to end your life this way, you didnt think of what an impact this would have on our mom & dad, your boys, neices, cousins and me your sis that adored you and that was there for you no matter what. I miss you saying “I love you sis” and although I have it all over my texts I would give up everything just to hear you say it again.
My love for you was unconditional, this is the only peace I have knowing that you knew how much I love you because not a day went by that I didnt prove my love for you I just wish you would have loved me the same because if you did you wouldnt have left me this way, I believed you when you told me “I promise you sis I wont do this to you” & you left a few months later… Here we are 4 months without you and mom & dad are miserable, mom cries everyday for you, if only you could see how broken she is she’s so devastated nothing can make her smile not even me and you know how close we are, dad is just hanging in there occasionally I will catch him in a daze thinking and notice his eyes sad, Tony of course misses his bro, and me well you know you took a piece of my heart and I cant seem to mend it! All we can do is continue to live feeling emptiness, pain, heartbreak and incomplete because we are missing a big part of our life YOU. Some how I got through my miserable birthday now we have to go through your boys bdays next week, dads in june, YOURS in august, moms in Sept and Tonys in Nov not to mention mothers & fathers day. Oh serg why why why? God help us I beg you. Love you sergio with all my heart.
It’s been 6 years and I’m still mad (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
I was 18th, about to start college, when I heard a violent knock on my door; the police asking for a body found on the bottom floor. I was naively watching the office on my room while my older brother jumped from our 9th floor balcony. It was the most devasting and shocking day of my life. The last contact we had was a discussion. We had a terrible relationship; he was a very violent and toxic person to live with. He was a bipolar ezquizofrenic, recently diagnosed at the time, although he had been manifesting the character for almost his entire life, especially since he became adolescent. Our family life was very toxic first due to our father and later because of him. He made me very anxious, he made me feel unworthy, he had almost no boundaries. I was very mad and afraid of him at the same time.
Tonight, my mother asked me once again, to forgive him, and I just get even madder at him. After he died I experienced ptsd typical symptoms and been struggling with self esteem and self distructive thoguhts, depression and so on. Although I managed to move on with my life on some aspects, there is a thick black cloud following me around, not let me know if I miss him, If what hurts is what he did pr that he is not longer here. Confusion big time.
How do you cope with a lost of an older brother to suicide which relationship was extremely toxic?
I’ve been talking about this in therapy for years but it’s the first time I reach out for help online.
Sibling Inspiration Submission Sent – SURVIVOR
This has been posted before on here but a few years back. I’ll re-post as it gave me some strength.
I will come stand beside you,
And offer you my hand.
I have been where you are,
So I am able to understand.
I have experience the same emotions,
The shock and disbelief.
Felt the weight of the stigma,
That amplifies our grief.
Ive been wide awake at midnight,
With worry weighing on my mind.
Ive searched for and searched for answers, That I have discovered I will never find.
But I have faith that you’ll make it,
And find a reason to live once more.
You’re now a suicide survivor,
You’re not the person you were before.
By: Randall Stepp
Well Baby Brother, Im having a shitty day today. Havent had one in a while but today hit me like a freight train. We went to the house this weekend to clean out more personal stuff before the auction. It was sooo hard to see the boxes of pictures you had stored with us a kids. This is what breaks my heart the most. Seeing these frozen memories. I will put them away in a box forever. I breaks my heart to see you as a kid and know what you did 30+ years later. All those memories I just want to shut in a closet. Im tired of dealing with your estate alone. Mom wants to hoard all of your stuff. Dad wants to avoid the situation. We argue about it. You have no idea what you did to this family. (here is the anger) Im so pissed at you for doing this. Leaving me with all this shit to take care of. The stress is unbelievable. You know we would have supported you with the cancer but WTF…..seriously, shooting yourself?!?!?!?!? Im so tired of the nightmares. Im tired of not being happy. Im tired of being alone, but I guess I always will be. Now Im an only child and when the P’rents are gone…ill be completely alone. Yeah I have a husband and kid but I dont share childhood memories with them, do I!?!?! I just need to get the estate taken care of and let the real healing begin. I cant keep going back to your house and thinking of all the memories. It takes me weeks to get back on my feet after dealing with things. I keep asking why…..why…..why. You took a piece of my heart which will never heal. I will never completely heal. This wears me down. I love you and miss you so very much.
My Dub is… Gone. (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
December 17, 2017… the day my brother R.W “Dub committed suicide. He was 38, I am 34. He was my favorite person, my favorite Marine, I looked up to him in so mamy ways and feel like part of me died with him that day. I cry everyday even when I don’t realize that I’m crying tears flow down my cheeks. I pick up my phone and text him because …. I really don’t know why. I’ve tried so bard to put on a brave face for my parents, my Kids and my husband but i juat cry. Im unsure how go throughout my life when he should be here, he was teaching my about facial hair because my son so wanted to grow a magnificent Beard like uncle Dub. He was teaching my 4 year old How to write his name Via video chat…. She doesn’t understand why he didn’t take his phone. We had plans, See he’s gonna be a daddy next month and we were going to go to D.C. before the baby arrived. I feel so many things, I’m hurt mad, I’m heartbroken, I’m glad he’s no longer fighting the inner demons we didn’t know he had. I’m hopeful that he’s found peace but all at the sametime I feel like I’ll never be whole again. I talked with him Just hours before he took his life and had no idea he was feeling this way. I feel guilty for not knowing, for not being there for him, for letting him feel so alone and depressed that he felt this is what was best. I know as a FR Marine he has seen and done so many unimaginable things that the PTSD was far to much. But my heart is broken because I need him. See pur Dad has ALS and is terminal…. He was supposed to be here to stand by my side when our dad passes. I feel alone. He was my bad ass Marine big brother and always knew what to do… How do I pick up the pieces of what’s left of my heart and carry on? It’s been 3 months and I feel like I cry subconsciously… 24-7. Everything reminds me of him ,but why wouldnt it he has always been a major roll in my life. A daily call or text, seen something he’d like…. He was my Dub and now he’s gone.
Reading over some of the post here I see that this pain may never subside. I’m not 100 % sure what I was looking for but write this down may help so why not vent and put it into word where no one pity’s me or judges me. Thank you for any thoughts or prayers youcould send my way!