I can’t really imagine anything worse. I’m in a pretty dark place right now. It’s been around 8 months, but it still feels like yesterday. My little brother committed suicide and he didn’t even think to give me a call. A simple call would have saved his life, and mine too. I’m confused, angry, sad, I don’t really know what to do. I’m trying to find some meaning, I just want to know why he did it. He’s not the type of person to just quit, when things get a little rough…..
How to Recover from Suicide Loss
All I have to offer you is my story.
I am not a grief counselor.
I have not written a self-help book.
I am no expert on the subject.
But what I do have is day after day after day of tears and pain and questions and longing.
Longing to understand why it happened and if it was always going to happen or if there was something I could have possibly done to stop it — or at least delay it.
Of course, the “it” I am referring to is my brother’s suicide nearly three years ago.
For those of you reading this who have also suffered from suicide loss — whether it be a family member, friend, coworker, etc. — I am so unbelievably sorry, and I know the pain you are experiencing. It is an excruciating pain, one that can only be truly understood by those who have experienced it first-hand.
But in spite of that pain, here’s a little hope for you:
It does get better.
Not a day goes by where I don’t think about my brother at least once and wish he was still here with us. I still feel a hint of that fierce cold that struck me the night I heard the news three years ago. I still bawl my eyes out when I see a picture of Zach or when I watch old videos of him playing his guitar.
But please believe me when I say that it does get better. My pain is strong. It is severe at times. But the severity of the pain is nothing is comparison to what it was that first year.
I read somewhere that everyday we should challenge ourselves to become 1% better. As survivors of suicide, we can work together on growing 1% in our grief recovery everyday. Everyday there might hints (or avalanches) of tears and pain and questions and longing, but everyday could get a little easier, a little more bearable, if you focus on these five recommendations:
1. Be honest with yourself.
Let’s be honest: you are going through a traumatic experience. Stop trying to pretend like it didn’t happen. Stop trying to stuff your feelings deep down inside, sealed by that fierce cold you feel. You have been through hell and back with this loss. You are allowed to acknowledge your pain. You NEED to acknowledge your pain. Be honest with yourself about where you are in your grief recovery journey, and know that recovery is indeed a lifelong process. Be patient with yourself as you learn how to live life in spite of this loss.
2. Make self-care your top priority.
Self-care. Self-care. Self-care. A year ago I didn’t even know what that phrase meant. Now I live it and love it everyday. At all times but especially in this time as you begin your grief recovery journey, you need to focus on the self-care activities that refresh and renew your soul. For me, it’s lighting candles and writing my thoughts in my journal. For others, it’s a warm bath and a nice glass of wine. For you, it could be practicing meditation or going for a run. Whatever it is, FIND IT and hold onto it, especially in the darkest and hardest days of your grief recovery journey.
3. Open up to your support system.
I firmly believe that secrets make you sick. The more you try to hide how you are feeling, the lonelier you will feel, the more you will remain stuck in a state of darkness. In order to find the light, you have to actively SEEK the light, and by that I mean seeking the friends, family members, counselors, etc. who bring light to your life and support you in your grief recovery journey. Open up to them. Let them in. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with them and tell them if you’re having a hard day. You deserve to be supported in this time of healing.
4. Practice gratitude.
I will repeat what I mentioned in my previous post: “We can focus on the fact that we lost my brother after 23 short years, or we can make the decision to be grateful for the 23 years he gave us.” In the past (almost) three years of my grief recovery journey, I have noticed that the less I focus on gratitude, the more depression and anxiety I experience as a sibling survivor of suicide loss. I am grateful that I can now use my story to help others. I am grateful for the lessons my brother taught me. I am grateful that I still have more time on this planet. This month, I started a gratitude calendar where I write down one thing I am thankful for everyday. It’s made a world of a difference in my life, and I encourage you to do the same.
5. Channel your sadness into something you care about.
Finally, the greatest way to move forward in your grief recovery journey is to take all of your tears and pain and questions and longing, take it all together, bundle it all up, and throw it into whatever you are passionate about. Take all of that negative energy and allow it to propel you forward, giving you the fierce drive and determination to succeed at whatever you wish. For me, this translates into the following: when I feel depressed about the loss of my brother, I write. I write and write and write in hopes that someway, somehow, another survivor of suicide loss will read my story and find the hope for which they’ve been searching. What are you passionate about? What makes you feel most alive? Do that. My sister always reminds me that energy cannot be created or destroyed — it can only be transferred. You will never be able to destroy your depression, your negative energy from your suicide loss. You can only “destroy” the negative energy by transferring that energy into something positive, something that reminds you that life is worth living.
And for me, so long as I have a platform to share my story and a chance to share hope and healing with others, then life is still worth living.
You’re going through hell, but you can do this.
I believe in you, and I am here for you.
Someone Who Cares
Was it worth it? (SiblingSurvivors Letters)
My first thoughts in the morning are of you. My last ones are of you before I go to bed. Mom and Dad are not doing very well. It’s coming up on two years and I still cannot believe this happened. This has been more than we can bear. Never saw this coming. My missed chance to speak to you the night before will haunt me forever.
You should be alive. Why did u do it? U could of retired early and gotten acdivorce
Years Later, and Still (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
Subject: Years Later, and Still
March 31, 2003
I was 7 years old when it happened, now I am 22 and hurt more and more every day. My dear Iris had a scholarship to Yale Medical and would have been a successful doctor by now. I had a tumultuous few years when I was a teenager, and regret not following her footsteps. I am in college now, but have noticed how much I love my friends and how much I push others away. My mother blamed me for her death some years ago, mistreated me with an intense anger. (My sister was dating a family member at the time(which I knew of but didn’t really think much since I was so young, though I knew it was odd) , rejected by him when she didn’t want to marry him and he got a new fling, so she was devastated) Now I have so much sadness and hatred and fear of abandonment, I guess I never really got over it. Reading my fellow guest posts brings an immediate tear to my eye because I can’t imagine the recent feeling and my heart cries with you. In my heart yearns a deep burning love for none other than my sister, the one who could not receive it in the past 15 years, the one who I had hoped to be my guide for years to come, though our time together was cut ever so short. why didn’t she want to stay with us? we could have helped her go through everything. Every day, more so in my times of confusion and frustration, I wonder how different life would have been if she were here? How much happier my mom would have been? How much more love would be in our lives? Was she selfish or am I the selfish one? I only ever wonder why….
many thanks, dear bro (SiblingsSurvivors Guest Post)
many thanks, dear bro
while I miss your earthly companionship, Ed, I relish the thought of your learning and growing at a different level
you are always with me; for that I am grateful
these lessons and learning – indeed the school of hard knocks
am told if we can master these earth lessons we can master anything, anywhere
see you soon!
much love,
I feel like a robot
It’s a been a month since my brother committed suicide. I feel like I’m not here anymore. I spend all day thinking of him and blaming myself. I’ve always been the rock in my family so I try to stay strong for my parents and younger brother. I honestly feel dead inside though. I’m ashamed to say that my little one will be born soon and I feel no joy. I know I’ll love him he’s going to be given his uncles name but I’m going to be sad that he’ll never get to meet his fun loving uncle Matt.
Two years today we had your funeral ez. I know you were there then and you’re here now. The ice cream van was a nice touch today. I swear all the signs you send me keep me going. I can’t say that the void feels any less than the day we buried you, but I’d like to think I’m much more focused on self preservation and care now, much more aware of the present and understanding of the paths we must lead – You sweetened me up with the ice cream so I might be talking s***. I miss you, not a day goes by without me thinking of your smile. You send stale jokes into my head whenever I’m having a hard moment in my daily life – when I remember you’re not here anymore. In those moments I truly feel my loss of you. I wish I could talk to you about my plans, my aspirations, my love life, things that are going on in the world, how beautiful the cherry tree looks or show you a band I’m into. I know you’re here, but it’s hard because I miss your voice, your jokes, your laugh, your mind, your opinion. I hope everyday that you come into my dreams. I just want to hug you and tell you we miss you. It still doesn’t feel real that it’s been two years. It doesn’t seem possible; the longest time we ever went without seeing each other was under two months. I can’t believe over two years have passed without seeing you. I hope you see the woman I’m becoming, I hope you understand I’m not just doing it for myself, I’m doing it for you. In memory of you, my beautiful big brother. Love you best in the world, beyond this world and into the next lifetime, e
My Sister
I just found this website and had no idea how many people this happens to. I’m 15 and my older sister passed away from suicide 2 months ago. It hurts everyday, I lost my best friend. I can’t go a single day without thinking about her. I missed a month of school when it happened, and I want to be able to think of my sister positively. Instead of feeling sad every time.
Does time really heal the pain ?
It’s been 3 and half year since my younger brother took his own life when he was at the age of 17. I was only 23. The pain was unbearable. He hung himself in his room and the first one to know about this was my mother. I would never forget how my mom came downstairs crying and talking insane. The pain was totally unbearable to my family and now I was the only child remaining. I never worried about mom and dad as my younger brother was very smart with studies and more mature comparing to me but now we don’t have him anymore. For the first 3 months I was very angry, like how could you do this? Why would you leave me alone? Why didn’t you think about mom and dad? Why would you take your life? I needed the answers but as time passed by, now I am more – all this happened because of me. Somehow I feel I am to be blamed. I should have been there for him as a elder sister. I should have helped him when he was having his hard time. I should have showed how much he meant to me. People say time will heal everything but my heart will never heal it never will never. The heartache will never end, instead it will be much bigger by each passing day. I cry every night remembering you thinking about how it would be if only you were with us. I wish if we could have time machine so I could go back to the time and tell you how much you mean to me my little one. My only wish is I want you back . My grandfather died after 2 yrs of my brother’s death and somehow I think grandad passed away quickly because of his grandson’s death. And my burden gets added. Now I cry every night but I don’t let anyone know especially mom cause I can’t add her burden anymore. I am strong in front of everyone but no one knows I cry every night, wishing only if you were here with us. Only if. Now I know I would never heal and time never heals; instead it adds more burden, as the day you passed away is still fresh in my mind as it was yesterday. Only if I could tell you how much you meant to me my little one. I never open up with people as most of them are my new friends from new university so they don’t know about my brother. The main thing why I don’t share is because they didn’t know my brother and I don’t want my brother to be remembered as just a guy who hung himself. They will never understand how much he meant to me so I just don’t like sharing. I just sit alone by myself and remember all those good days with my brother and cry. Only if You could come back my little one only if. You have left a big hole in my heart which will never heal. How I cry every day thinking I am all alone as I can’t share my feelings to mom and dad because I don’t want to add their pain anymore. I can’t offer them anymore pain apart from happiness which we rarely have since you left. I miss you so much brother and I love you to death. You were the best brother and I will always love you no matter what.
Missing my big brother
Not far from 3 years since my big brother’s Suicide. Part of me wants to say he was 16 yrs old and I was 14 yrs old, because that’s where my heart feels we were, but fast forward 25 years… Tonight I’m focused on the Rascal Flatts song WHY, and the lyric “was there anything I could have said or done?” Oh how I was I would have done things differently, was there anything I could have said or done – maybe; guess we’ll never know! My brain tells me it’s not my fault but my heart will always wonder… rest easy big brother.