Jacob Aaron

My little brother Jacob took his own life on 9/6/2024. He took a piece of my heart with him to heaven.I have yet to properly grieve- Our Dad passed on 9/28/2023- I have been in a 2.5 yr custody battle with my ex. Any feedback on what helps with this process…Somedays I wanna just Throat punch people other days I don’t wanna leave the house.

One thought on “Jacob Aaron

  1. I found something which helps me is time. Also, positive memories of my lost sibling. What doesn’t help is blaming myself. I had nothing to do with my brother taking his life. I couldn’t have stopped him if I tried for 1,000 years. Only he could stop what happened. It’s taken me over a year to realize this. Now, I am really recovering from my brothers death. Btw, I am almost 63 years old. My little brother was approaching 60 years old. It’s not only teenagers or young adults that take their own lives.

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