Dear Edward,
I can’t believe it’s been almost 30 years. I thought the struggle of missing you would get easier with time, but that is not the case. I actually miss you more today then that April day of 1989. I have never felt so lost as I do now without you. All I can do is cherish the memories you and I had together. I thank God everyday for blessing me with the best brother and best friend any sister could have. I don’t know why that the pain now is more unbearable then it was back 30 years ago. I just know it is. All I can do is look up at the sky and feel the warm sunshine as your smile. I truly miss you. I don’t know why you left me. I just know God called you home and was ready for you even though I wasn’t. Thank you God for Edward. He was the best earthly brother and now he is the best Guardian Angel.