Category Archives: Letters


Okay so it been 3 years now on June 14 since my big brother Matt died and I’m going through hell with this because i miss him so much because he was not only my brother but he was my best friend and not having him is hard because he was always there for me when i need him of when people were mean to me and i just miss him so much because people are so mean to me and kinda make fun of me because of his death and they blame me for his death and I just wish he was here because i miss him and i want all this to end and i just wish that hadn’t of committed suicide because now i have no one to go to when I’m having troubles and all this breaking me bit by bit and i just wish i knew why why he killed himself because now i wish i could have helped him because God do i miss him so much!!!!!! 🙁 🙁

Dearest sister.

Samantha, I miss you. I wish I could see you again, I wish I could call you to talk, I wish so many things for us both…. but now its just me. I know its been 11 yrs you’ve been gone now but i do see you in different places in my life. I see you as a red tailed hawk who visits the place i live. I see you in people standing on the side of the road waiting for a bus. I see you in your friends and peers as they struggle through life, like you could’ve been, should’ve be….I see your personality in other people but don’t know how to deal with it, if it were you acting like that I’d react differently but now when I see it I have to deal with the grief that its not you acting like that… its tough, no one understands the loss, the hurt, the longing to see you and hug you and have you in my life again. I miss you. I love you. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most but I hope now that your on the other side I know your spirit will be there for me when i need it the most. I need you.

Dear Sandy

I feel so sad for ho much u suferred. And for how u were so alone in the end. And for how long it took u to die in your confused state.
Yoru brain was so disturbed that u though twe were against u, but, in fact, we all loved u dearly.
Just feeling teary today about your suferring with schizoaffective disorder.
Love u. I hope that the God u rejected has taken u into his arms anyway, being merciful beyond measure. I hope u r in a more peaceful place.

My heart hurts

It was 2 years yesterday that you walked out after an argument and never walked back in .
I sat clock watching waiting for that dam clock to strike 6pm the official time you died and the last fraction of my heart broke all over again .
I find myself willing away hour just looking at your photos and talking to you .
Sometimes I think I catch a glimpse of you out the corner of my eye but when I turn reality kicks me of course it’s not you you left and your never coming back .
I say those words often but I still can’t accept it .
Vince I hate you sometimes for putting us through this but mostly I miss not having my partner in crime my baby brother xxxx

My heart hurts

It’s 2 years today
I’m sat clock watching because I know when that dam clock strikes 6 pm my already broken heart will break even more .
I miss you vince I don’t seem to get your gone
I walk into a room and think I catch a glimpse of you out the corner of my eye .
I look at your pictures multiple times a day sometimes I think I hear you but I think it’s just wishful thinking.
WHY !!!
How do I mend .

I’m sorry

My love my sis,
How could this have ever happened? We thought we were flying, and turns out we were digging ourselves a grave. Ever since you left, it is as if I am only half here. Never fully.
Perhaps we were too close, perhaps not close enough. I know I wasn’t the kind of sister you needed. You deserved. I was self centered and stupid. Blinkers on eyes.
I am sorry. please forgive me. It was my fault for calling you that day. I am still angry with our father for what happened. I don’t think it will ever go away completely. I am angry with our mother for being so blind. So uncaring of one she presumed to love so much. How could we all be so irresponsible toward you?
We are still alive, that’s a miracle. Your presence is still there in our home, the garden. It keeps us alive.
I lost every thing I thought I wanted, when I lost you. It hasn’t come back. I lost my story. I am glad. I want no story without you in it.
I love you very much. I no longer believe in after lives. But if in the throes of dying, oxygen deprived and hallucinating, I get to see you (?), that would be bliss. I hope life is kind.

Miss You Rabbit

Next week it will be 11 years since you left us. My baby sister, only 13 years young what did you know about pain and life that would have caused you to take yours? I was supposed to be your big sister. I was supposed to protect you. Why didn’t I know what you were thinking? Why couldn’t I see the signs? I’m sorry I failed you as a sister and friend. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you like a big sister should be able too. 11 years I have almost live your whole life again but this time without you. I will never forget you. I will always miss you until the day I die. I just wanted to say I’m sorry that I didn’t do anything more. I’m sorry I failed you. Until we meet again beautiful angel. I will love you for eternity and more.

My best friend

My beautiful baby sister, I miss you so much. This past Sunday marks 6 months since you left. It was so hard to work Coachella without you; our business has expanded so much and this year Lady Gaga ended up replacing Beyonce – you would have loved it.
I miss you more and more everyday and I know time is supposed to help but it only makes me feel like you’re farther away or that you’re a figment of my imagination.. my favorite character from a book. I miss sharing (and fighting) over clothes, shoes, jewelry, beauty products — now their all mine.. I miss doing errands together and going to get our nails done.
You were my number one comrade when it came to everything; my own mental health, school, politics… I have no one to talk to the way that we used to talk to. We shared so many similar passions. I left school when you passed, and I’m not sure I want to go back. Losing you and grandpa months apart from each other have given me a new perspective on life and love.
That day I wanted to call the police when you were not answering anyones calls or texts and sent D that photo. I didn’t think it was real. I thought it was a google image search to scare him, none the less it scared me and mom and we called all your friends who said you were supposed to be at a birthday brunch for T and later celebrate D’s birthday.
I was expecting to go on a hike and give you a pep talk, the same way you always gave me a pep talk and reminded me how smart, beautiful, loved, intelligent and important I am. To find you that way was worse than a nightmare and I tried everything to try and backtrack your decision. As traumatic as it was at least I know that mom and I tried our best to find you….that you weren’t missing for days and then found. I don’t know why you shut us out that day. You were still warm, and I got to hold and caress you one last time. I ran my fingers through your beautiful hair and held your hands hoping I would wake up from this awful nightmare as mom collapsed on the ground and was bawling. I had to keep myself together for the police report and coroner.
Why didn’t you let me in? How were we so close but I never knew? We talked nearly everyday since grandpa passed in August and I know that was difficult for us both.. we spent the last 2 weeks of your life enjoying music and talking until the late hours of the night… why didn’t you say anything? Was our discussion about Lady Gaga’s Joanne album a message that I missed?
I am so lonely without you. I would do anything to have you back and be with you again. We were supposed to be together forever. It seems like everyone in the family is stronger than me in trying to process this. You cross my mind and I can’t believe you aren’t out there in the world soaking up the sun and breathing fresh air. You had so much life to live.
I respect and accept your decision. You are free from your suffering. I just love and miss you so much L, please help me get through this.
xoxo your big sister

I love you

My beautiful baby sister. I miss you so much. 5 years have passed since you left this world and it still feels like yesterday. The pain is still so raw. The questions are still unanswered. What could I have done to make you stay? Where did it all go wrong? Why didnt I see it? I wish you could tell me why… My life will never be the same. So much has changed. I wish you could have seen how much we all loved you. My gorgeous baby sister. WHY?

Schizophrenia sucks

Schizophrenia sucks

I miss you Jesse I’m sorry that you had a rough life. I love you my brother. I wish I could have been there for you and didn’t live so far away. The last time I saw you in the hospital I didn’t tell you how much you meant to me. A week after that you decided to take your life. Schizophrenia must have been vary hard I wish the demeans in your mind wouldn’t have got you I know you tried. I am glad that you never hurt anyone but yourself I know that’s what you were worried about but you had to much love in your hart to ever hurt another living thing. I have a lot of respect for you because of that but I think with help we could have found another way. I hope that where you are now is what you were looking for. I will always love you.