I hope you are at peace now, and I hope you are filled with eternal love.
Forever you sister,
I hope you are at peace now, and I hope you are filled with eternal love.
Forever you sister,
When I pray to God, I ask him to deliver the
Message to you if possible.
I always ask him to please tell you how
Sorry I am. I am so sorry. profoundly sorry.
That night you told me you were tired of living. I
Thought that was a normal part of your recovery
We pushed you too hard. In fact, your entire
Life story is how we failed you.
You have a niece now. She’s bright and hilarious
You would have had a hoot with her. I always
Thought you’d have children before me that I
Could spoil. I haven’t had a moment of peace
Since the day you left. I been through about
4 therapists. I can’t forgive myself for letting
You do this. I didn’t know Joshua. I thought
You’d get better. I hope those NDE stories are
True and that you are in eternal bliss right now.
I miss you so bad it physically hurts. Would you
Please forgive me.
Katie, you are so important to me. I have a hole in my heart that will never be filled. I hope you hear me when I talk to you. I hope the things I see are actually signs from you. I hope you truly are always with me like you promised you would be in your letter.
I will never stop loving you, bub.
You would tell me all the time to get right with God. I know you were, and if there’s a Heaven, I know you are there. I still cannot bring myself to believe is something that holds me accountable and demands me to follow their will, yet won’t do anything to stop people’s suffering all over the globe. I know some of these feelings about God comes from my anger about losing my sister, my brother, my son, and the many friends through the years. Our friend Dennis passed in October.
I thought I would be better about dealing with your passing, but with the “day” coming up soon, I am miserable.
Missing you brother. If God will have me… until we meet again.
You were everything. You were bright, alive, you gave me the hope I needed to think that we would get past what the world is. And now you’re gone.
Thinking about what you felt at the end makes it hard for me to get through any second of any day. I wish you had just called me? Texted me? I would have been there as soon as was humanly possible. I knew it was hard, but I thought you always knew that you and I could fight the hard together.
I cannot even begin to fathom life without you, but it will never be without you. You are one of the biggest pieces of me. I will carry you until my last breath. I miss you with every cell of my being.