7 years today…..I miss you little brother

7 years ago. Seems like ages but at the same time seems just like yesterday. So much has happened since you decided to die. I drank so much and CW said he wished he could tell you that your choice is ruining the marriage. That was a shock to me to hear him say that. DW told me to stop drinking so now I have. You have no idea how much your decision has affected everyone in the family. Mom and Dad seem so old now. We should have been dealing with this together now its just me. We should have been talking and texting each other everyday but now there is no one. We should have grown old together but now there is no one. You left me an only child and it seems against nature. You have always been in my life except for the 2-1/2 years I was born before you and now the 7 years after. I still miss you with all my heart. I still ache. I push our childhood memories away because I dont want to think of what was. It just makes me miss you more. I hate September. DW says he missed you too. You were to be the Uncle and you just shoved that to the side. The cancer was treatable. You just never gave the Doctors a chance. I still wish you would have called me but I know why you didnt because I would have stopped you. I would have drove 100mph to get to you and stop you. You didnt want anyone to stop you. Your decision was made. I love you so much and miss you everyday. Sis

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